英語學習單分享-4 (不同子句之比較)

A.形容詞子句  Adjective clauses                              Class:    Number:    Name:

1. 形容詞: __________________  一個高的男孩: ________________

2. 形容詞子句:

   功能: a. ________的作用      
          一個站在窗戶旁邊的男孩: _______________________________


         The boy loves to play baseball.  / The boy is standing beside my best friend.


          / that
       / that
  / 動物
          / that
         / ____ which
       / that
  / /動物

→形容詞子句: ______________詞所引領的子句,來修飾先行詞


1. The beautiful day will come one day. / I believe the beautiful day.


2. The bright future is coming. / I search for the bright future.


3. The sorrow will melt away. / You know the sorrow.


4. The emptiness will disappear. / You felt the emptiness.


B. 名詞子句  Noun clauses

1. 名詞: __________________ : 我認識你的爸爸 _________________________

2. 名詞子句:  _______引導具有名詞功能的子句

     I know the news. ( ________)

     I know that Tom’s sister is a movie star.  ( _________________)


1. We know the fact. / Helen is an honest girl.


2. You will finally see the truth. / A hero lies in you.


3. You’ll find the way. / The correct way will lead you.


C. 副詞子句  Adverbial clauses

1. 這種子句都是以從屬連接詞開頭,而這類子句的功能在______________

2. 表示時間、原因、條件、讓步、對比、目的、結果、程度、比較


1. Nina has lived in Italy./  She was a little girl. (since)___________________________________________________________________________

2. You can’t go to the party.  / You are invited to the party. (unless)___________________________________________________________________________

3. He went outside.  / He could get some fresh air.

(in order that)___________________________________________________________________________




